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Národní 8


Pivovar Národní is located at Ursuline Monastery near the National Theatre in Prague. Inside of the restaurant there is 230 seats. For private events you can also use a lounge in the basement with 40 more.

Regarding the cuisine, you can have both Czech traditional and international in Pivovar Národní. Our specials are for example beer-rosemary & garlic marinated pork knuckle, 
national beef goulash, buchteln rolls with chaudeau or various steaks from the grill.






If you are seeking a place where you can enjoy desired peace and relax, our beer garden in a courtyard is exactly what you are looking for! 

Besides from enjoying our delicious Czech Lion beer you can for example roast a sausage on an open fire there! 

Our beer garden is the largest in the city center of Prague and we believe you will find the coveted peaceful atmosphere there.

Pivovar Národní s.r.o. |  Národní 8  | Praha 1  |
Odpovědný vedoucí: Lukáš Čížek. Provozovatel: PIVOVAR NÁRODNÍ TŘÍDA s.r.o., Na Poříčí 1042/16, Praha 1. IČO: 03453596. MS v Praze C 231975

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